Friday, December 21, 2012

Half a Year

Dear loyal fans of yours truly,

You are quite lucky to get a post from me commemorating the advent of my six month birthday - after all, it requires that I take time away from trying to get at the wrapping paper under the tree.  You're welcome.

This has been a great month for me because there's a lot of paper lying around.  I love eating paper.  If it hadn't been for eating paper, Mommy might not have noticed my new tooth at all when she was fishing pieces out of my mouth.

Helping Mommy wrap.
I've been especially helpful in Christmas preparations as Mommy's little helper.  These days, I'm a big fan of Mommy.

Oh I'm sorry, did I say big fan? That doesn't quite capture it. These days, I'm a IF MOMMY DOESN'T WALK INTO THE ROOM RIGHT NOW I'M GOING TO DIE fan of Mommy. It's fun. I'm working on scaring off every babysitter within a fifty-five mile radius.

Another way I scare off babysitters is by being a very busy little boy.  I like to practice standing.  I am pretty excited to get my busy little hands on more of the world. Must. touch. all. the. things.  

This month I also learned how to express my preferences with my voice.  I can pick which book to read, which page to stay on the longest, when I want to be picked up (always.  I shouldn't have to express this one.  It should be assumed.), and when I want to drink from Mommy's water bottle.

Speaking of Mommy's water bottle, Mommy got tired of sharing her water and gave me my own sippy cup.  I love it!  I can hold it and drink out of it all by myself.  Sometimes I don't want to stop drinking from it, but I don't want any more water, so I just let it dribble out of my mouth.

I heard Mommy tell Daddy that this new stage of communication has been delightful, because she's getting to know me as a person instead of a passive observer.  But do not be deceived: it's been a cold hard road for me.  One day I expressed my preference to read Good Night, Spot for the tenth time instead of taking a nap - and Mommy said no.

In fact, she told me that contrary to my opinion, I was not the center of the universe and my wish was not her command! 

Surely, Grandma, you can see that Mommy clearly does not understand the universe.  You know that the world revolves around me.  Please contact her and correct her misconceptions ASAP.

Six Months

[ed. note: this shot may have done me in.  He got so anxious to hold the camera that he flung Kekoa teddy off his back and somehow managed to inch forward.  NOT. READY.]

I hope you all have a Merry Christmas - thanks for all the wrapping paper!

[ed. note, part 2: all sleep deprivation, center-of-the-universe comments, and kidding aside, this really has been a delightful month.  We are sooo enjoying getting to know Kekoa as a human being with likes, dislikes, and a great big personality.  Instead of stimulating Kekoa, we now get to interact with him, and it's so. much. fun.  We are loving his giggles and smiles and excitement and the stubborn will power he puts into achieving new milestones.]


  1. Kekoa,

    Did you mean to post a video? Because I would LOVE to see your narcissim! Yes, you should be the center of her universe, because it will only be for a little while, and before you know it, she'll be wondering if you're going to call her, because you certainly won't be spending Christmas with her! I miss you and I can't wait to see you.

    And make sure that daddy gets those books right! Ladybug books are always good! Just make sure he reads them until he doesn't have to look at the pages anymore, and if he gets a word wrong, make sure you correct him!

    Do you have a mirror that you can look at? Tell them to get you a mirror so that you can see all of your teeth coming in. (It also helps to make sure your hair isn't sticking up.)

    I miss you and love you and can't wait to see you again. (Wait, did I already say that?)

    Love you,


  2. Sorry Mom, I tried to post the video but it froze up the browser multiple times. It's pretty funny to watch him watch videos of himself - he's just enthralled and tries to talk back to the little him on the screen.
