Monday, March 9, 2015

Kekoa Miscellaneous

Kekoa wanted to eat some M&Ms, to which he is allergic, and Josh told him that it would make him very, very itchy. "But we have plenty lotion!"

"Hear the ffff sound for the F words....ffff in fire truck and in...birfday candles!  fffff fffff fffff hooray! Going to be free! All of these words have an f."

(in case you didn't get that... ffff ffff ffff is blowing out the candles, and "free" is "three")

While getting his hair combed:  "Okay Dad, I'm done being calm." After which he proceeded to indeed be done.

Kekoa was Ellie's biggest cheerleader when she was figuring out how to crawl....until he realized that anything left on the floor is fair game.  "No, you can't crawl anymore. Too little!"

Ellie was crying and Kekoa brought her all his toys to comfort her. When she persisted in screaming, he decided it was time to put his foot down:  "That's ENOUGH, Ellie. You MUST calm down now."

Those younger siblings are just all kinds of trouble: "No, Ellie! You can't go potty in your pants! You must go potty in the potty!"

And of course, sometimes you just get fed up of keeping a youngster in line. Kekoa, talking to himself: "No, don't kick the baby. That is NOT a good plan."

"Look at my horsey!"
He has his sweet moments, too. We moved Ellie into Kekoa's room last month, and it has worked out beautifully. The other night Ellie didn't want to sleep and started to cry. We waited a few minutes, then heard Kekoa talking to her: "It's okay Ellie, I'm right here." She calmed down immediately and we heard some giggles for a few minutes, then silence.

Around 11:00 pm, I heard Kekoa crying, so I went in to check on him. He had brought his pillow next to her Pack n' Play and slept on the floor next to her - she was pressed up against the mesh netting to be close to him. But his blankets were stuck behind his bed and he was shivering under a thin receiving blanket.  "It's okay, Bud," I whispered. "You can sleep in your bed and I'll tuck you in."

"But Ellie needs me!"

It doesn't get any better than that. <3 p="">