Friday, January 28, 2011

Life Update

I'm making an effort to be more personal, rather than offering disembodied thoughts and abstractions.  Which isn't hard, because I don't have a lot of time for thoughts and abstractions.

One of my coworkers left for another job today.  You don't work for a non-profit because of the money, which means our office is particularly close and my coworkers have become some of my closest friends.  Losing someone hurts not only on a professional how-are-we-going-to-survive-without-you level, but also on the awww-man-I'm-really-going-to-miss-you level.  We've all been a little sad this week, and there may have been a few tears in the office today. I love my work environment - it's like going to work really means going to hang out with your friends.  But it's tough to say goodbye.

On the same front, there's a reason you don't work for a non-profit for the money - there's not much of it. We're not hiring to fill her position, which means I'm inheriting her job as the website manager and publications designer on top of my usual administrative and communications tasks.  Not only do I have a lot to learn, but my boss is on baby watch for the next two weeks.  It's going to be a lonely and incredibly busy few weeks.

We're also undertaking a membership class for the church we're attending.  Not only is it eight hours of getting-to-know-you, deep theological wrestlings, and pizza tomorrow, but our interest in membership was announced to the church (not in a pressuring sort of way) and the congregation was encouraged to "get to know" us.  Not that they really needed the extra reminder -- they're already the most hospitable church I've ever seen.  If Baptists are about potlucks, then Presbyterians are about inviting others over for lunch after the service.

I really appreciate it, though.  My biggest struggle since graduation has been maintaining close female friendships (outside of work, that is).  We have lots of couple friends, and Josh has his guy friends from college.  But that need has not yet been met for me.  I am hoping that as we get more involved in the church, I'll find that girlfriend who shares my interests and dreams.

And finally, both Josh and I have had our first experiences driving in wind, snow, and ice.  It's not so bad. :)  We passed about 7 cars in the ditch on the way to work yesterday, and those coming home from the city had an 8-hour commute on Wednesday night.  But I already feel much more comfortable handling a car in poor weather conditions.  I just needed to know how it felt. :)

Until I've had the time to catch my breath and gather my thoughts...hasta luego and happy weekend!

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