Sunday, April 21, 2013

10 Months

Hello friends, family and fan!  I'm ten months old, and I personally think that officially qualifies me as a toddler.  Poor Mommy is in denial though - she says I'm definitely still a baby and I definitely need at least two naps a day.  So there's room for progress. 

I've discovered that I have a knack for negotiation.  I find random boring things laying around the house and I hold them hostage until Mommy trades me some super-awesome toy.  Once I found this rectangle of weird green paper with a picture of some old dude on the front.  I was just about to start chewing on it (a sure way to get the negotiation process moving quickly!), when Mommy offered me an awesome bubble-blowing gun instead.  As if weird green paper would EVER be as good as a bubble-blowing gun!

"What, you'll trade me brightly colored plastic for the camera case and cord?  Let's make this trade before you rethink it!"

One thing I definitely DON'T like: cows!  Evil, terrifying things.  I have this horror picture book (why why WHY would they make a horror book for babies?) that has a picture of a cow that says "Mooooo."  When Mommy reads it to me and makes the cow sound, I cry.  It's just so awful!

Fortunately, some books are not of the horror genre.

Other than all that, life is just business as usual: napping,

helping with the laundry,

And by "helping", I mean "pulling it off the drying rack."  

and just hanging around.  I love waving hello - but I don't get those reserved little itty bitty waves most people do.  I much prefer flapping my whole arm up and down like a chicken wing.  If you're happy to see someone,  you should show it!

I've been preparing to play with Uncle Phil when I see him next month, but Mommy isn't very good at taking pictures of a toddler playing with a ball.

Mommy is, however, good at growing eyes in the back of her head.  They just kinda showed up one day at a very inconvenient time:

"Whaddya mean I can't pull down the photo albums?"
Fortunately, I'm training to go into stealth mode:

Batman adopts Superman's style advice regarding underwear

Ah well, I suppose eyes-in-the-back-of-the-head are a small price to pay for endless snuggles.  And back scratches.  I LOVE back scratches.


That's all, folks!  See you next month!

1 comment:

  1. Kekoa,

    You are too cute! Some day you'll understand why the green rectangle paper with old dudes is important! And tell your mommy that the next time she takes pictures of you playing with the ball, switch the camera to the mode with the man running. That should do the trick! Or she can make a video of you! I can't wait to see you next month!
