Thursday, August 22, 2013


Now that I'm not posting each month about Kekoa, I take fewer pictures.  Because let's face it, about 70% of the pictures I took last year were snapped the morning I was trying to get a picture post together.  I'm not good about remembering the camera, and he's not good at posing long enough for me to get the moment anyway.

But I realized that nearly all the photos I have taken lately center around a common theme: messes.

I mean, independence.  Which just happens to be accompanied by a whooooole lot of messes.  And for being independence, it sure does seem to come with a lot of oversight necessary.

Here are a few of the new things our Chief Imitator has learned to do in the last couple months:

Drink out of a cup.

Eat with a fork or spoon.  Bonus: he's wiling to eat almost anything if he can stab it on a fork!  

The food's not that bad.  Really.

Brush his own teeth (questionably, but better than him resisting our efforts).  Incidentally, I discovered a couple weeks ago that he  is also pretty good at brushing baseboards - with the same toothbrush, of course.

Sweep, also questionably.

Dust (ditto).

Help with the baking by stirring, mixing, and taste testing.  I don't think we'll be sharing our baked goods anytime soon, though - our sanitation standards aren't quite up to snuff.

And that is the story of how our general, everyday tasks like eating and cleaning suddenly seem to take three times as long, but have twice the excitement as usual.

(And why yes, those last three pictures were all snapped this morning.  I told you I'm not good at remembering.)

1 comment:

  1. He is still a cutie! How did I miss this post for so long?
