Sunday, November 30, 2014

Month 4: Sleepy is as Sleepy Does

Ellie had a lot of firsts this month. She has developed little wispy curls at the back of her head, and has started seriously teething. She'll nom anything that comes near her mouth - including hair, matchbox cars, and college students. If drool were a currency, we'd be rolling in wealth (and I mean that quite literally).

She's definitely been working out, because her muscles are getting pretty strong. She's been sitting up unassisted for longer and longer stretches of time - it won't be too long before she can sit reliably.

Her bubbly little soul has been busy melting hearts:


And she's been picking up new nicknames left and right:

We  call this one the "Goober-Mensch." Nerd jokes, anyone? Anyone? No? Okay. 

Kekoa introduced her to his favorite baby toy, the little piano.

 She thought it was so great that she wanted to push the buttons.  Unfortunately, she couldn't figure out how to lean on one elbow without rolling over.

It was great fun until it wasn't anymore.

Speaking of that Koa, how's he doing? Oh, just fine. Lately he's been pinning himself to walls and shouting "Help help! I'm stuck!" as he tries to pull away.  
there's an invisible hand holding him to the wall. really.
 Back to Elle-Belles. She was utterly underwhelmed by her first snow.

And got to spend her first Thanksgiving with her Uncle Aaron, among others.

It was a pretty good month. Especially because she started sleeping 10-12 hours a night.  When the weather turned cold we discovered that keeping the apartment a little chilly keeps the kids in bed about perverse incentives! She adores watching her big brother, gets excited about eating, and loves video calls with the grandparents. She's also getting to the stage where she's a little bored with the little baby stuff like bouncers and not quite ready for big baby stuff like jumpers.

I think I've told Josh a million times this month "I wish we could just freeze her at this age," because it's really just perfect. But I also can't wait to see what comes next. :)

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