Ellie didn't want to write her three month post, so I guess it's my turn. To be honest, she's still kinda...
blobby, so Kekoa will probably show up as much as (or more than) Ellie. Hey, you want a post all about you, you can write it yourself. (Hashtag notafirstborn)
Kekoa continues to adore his little sister and hams around with her all the time. He's been a great little helper in bringing me burp cloths and water, wiping up spills, and being my baby monitor. He's fascinated by all things baby and likes to pretend to be one himself.
He is, however, on a personal mission to make sure that I get an adequate source of mommy guilt. You know, in case the internet isn't living up to its sole purpose in life. Scene: I'm in the kitchen making hamburger patties (read: raw meat ALL over). Ellie wakes up from her nap.
K: "Mommy, baby sad."
M: "Yes, I'll get her as soon as I'm done here."
K: "Baby cry. Poor baby Ellie."
M: "Yes, I know. I'll get her soon."
K (to himself, repeatedly): "Baby Elli-nana cry. Help baby. Baby sad. Baby crying crying crying. Nurse baby. Poor baby. Poor poor baby."
Then the other day he noticed some cradle cap on Ellie's scalp. "Baby itchy! Help baby!" he shouted, attempting to scratch her head. He absolutely refused to move until I took care of the poor baby's head to relieve the itchiness.
Hamming it up together (no, he's not crying. He's making a face for the camera because he's 2.) |
He's also developing his little independent self since he's not getting as much attention. The current fad is Lego Duplo fashion shows while I feed the baby. Fire trucks, dump trucks, and crane trucks come parading out for my approval. His biggest breakthrough was when he figured out how to connect the cars to make a semi truck. My my, wasn't
that an exciting day in the K household!
Crane truck and dump truck, awaiting inspection |
Explaining how he made the fire truck |
He also enjoys "reading" things to himself, which provides Josh and I with endless hilarity.
On a Caterpillar-brand construction toy: "C-A-T spells bulldozer!"
On Ellie's bed: "P-A-C-K-N-P-L-A-Y.....bed!"
On our digital alarm: "S-O-N-Y....clock!"
Ellie's doing great too. Josh and I still marvel at her impossible level of patience. It's possible for a baby to lay in bed quietly and not be asleep???
Calm |
She is more sensitive to things like wet diapers, cold weather, and the need to burp. We always know when she's uncomfortable (Kekoa,on the other hand, wouldn't have minded being in a dirty diaper for days). But it's so much easier to handle crying when you know there's a specific reason, and as soon as we help her feel better she'll be her tranquil little self. We'll see how she does with the cold!
Post-change happiness |
She loves to chat and is quite the little diva - once she gets your attention, you'd better not look away or she'll start screeching to win you back. She recently had a gig as a model when my mom pulled out all my old baby clothes while we were visiting. Of course, we had to try them out and do a picture comparison:
You'd never guess SHE was the one with Hawaiian blood. |
We also switched her to cloth diapers, which makes her look ridiculously similar to a pear (albeit a very cute pear). It also put a stop to rolling over...she just can't flip herself over the great big rear end bulk. And although it might be a tad bit mean, it's fun to watch her try - like watching an upside down turtle. :P But she remains the calmest little wiggleworm you ever did see and we love her oh so much.
3 Months |
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