1) I once did a post on why the approach to purity taken with teen girls today just doesn't work. This is probably the best article I've seen that sums it up: telling girls to be pure for their future husbands does them a serious disservice.
"Christ is the source of everything we need and the giver of all good gifts … but in telling people about Him, it’s possible we’ve sold them on a solution for life’s problems and not life itself."
2) From my political theory professor at PHC, the rhetoric of a culture "war" has done more harm than good. So how do we change the culture?
"One solution looks primarily to the political arena for redress; the other, like the Good Samaritan, takes the wounded traveler and cares for him. Do you want to change the culture? Practice hospitality."
3) Homeschoolers in particular really tout the family as their central values. But should it be the center? As a brand-new SAHM, this article is really challenging. h/t my pastor for sharing it.
"But I found myself, while he described the feelings of idolatry---the sense that this is my whole life, this is what I live for, this is what I dream of, this is what completes me and gives me significance---thinking that, for me, this is family."
4) Also shared by my pastor, this article addresses the issue of parenting with grace that I referenced earlier on my blog.
I begin by saying, "Remember how Jesus said we were to treat one another?"
"I'm not Jesus!" my oldest responds immediately, his face scrunched up as his feet stomp the tile floor.
"Second, we've gone off the rails in confusing cultural engagement with consumerism and entertainment"
"People continue to check Molly’s posts out of morbid curiosity.
“It’s an exercise in ‘How is my life inferior today?’” says one. “If it doesn’t kill you, it makes you stronger.”
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