1) It's awesome. And here's a secret - I never actually saw the place. Josh picked it out all by himself. The first time I saw it was for the walk-through before moving in. Yay Josh!
2) I miss "our" dog. And our neighbor girls.
3) We are a five minute walk from the library. Literally, five minutes. (!!!!!!!) I. am. happy.
4) We have a dishwasher for the first time since getting married. And you know what? It's not really all that. We still have to rinse the dishes and scrub off crusty stuff...we just do it with colder water and no dish soap. So really, not all that much less work.
5) Did I mention we're FIVE MINUTES FROM THE LIBRARY??!!?!?! We've been here one week and we've been there....four times.
6) And five minutes from all our P-ville family members. Oh my gosh. So happy.
7) The local Panera donates all the day-old bread that they can't sell to our apartment complex, and they put it out on a table and it's free for the taking. French bread, sandwich rolls, vanilla cream cakes. And here I just made it back to pre-pregnancy weight...goodbye to all that!
8) I love unpacking. I love finding places for everything.
9) So. Much. Room. And a walk-in closet that makes our clothes look pitiful.
10) We moved to cut down on Josh's commute and gas. But of course, now we drive twice as much because it's half as far. Hopefully the novelty will wear off and twenty minutes will seem long again.
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