Friday, January 7, 2011

A Sad Realization..

I've had a very sobering couple of weeks after a series of conversations.  I find myself giving marriage advice...out of the wealth of seven months of experience. I ought to be the one seeking advice, not offering it!

A friend approached concerned about a couple that is close to her.  They married two months after us, and already are considering splitting up. It came as a shock to my system.  Four months of marriage and giving up- I cannot even comprehend!  What has for me been a supremely happy time has for them been misery.

Don't  get me wrong, I've found marriage to have all sorts of....shall I call them "stretching experiences"?  I've learned a lot both about Josh and myself (and about his twin, coincidentally).  But the good has ALWAYS overpowered the bad, and so the hard parts have been completely and utterly worth it.

Yet to be blissfully in love on the day of your wedding and on the verge of disaster before it's even been half a year....

And yet again, I am painfully aware that my generation is emotionally and relationally stunted.

What's the problem? And how do we help solve it?

1 comment:

  1. So sad. I think that the problem is people don't take their marriage commitments as "commitments until death we do part." People don't even say that in their wedding vows anymore. We have heard "until love leaves us", we seems to be the more truthful "vow". How do we solve it? I have no idea on how to help others, I just know that making my personal vow "until death we do part" real, that it will demonstrate to others that it is what should be done.
