Friday, February 20, 2015

I could be wrong but.....

...the bouncer might have outlived its usefulness as a safe place to put baby.'re probably married to a math nerd if your toddler tells you, "Hey, I drew pi!" and your response is, "Wow, where did you learn about pie? It's been months since we last ate pie!" and then you see this:

 ...leaving the change of clothes in the car isn't a great idea in subzero temperatures because that will be the day your baby blows out. Thankfully other moms (of boys) actually have changes of clothes on hand.

...brotherly love might be sweeter in theory than practice.

don't worry, she has teeth so this is definitely not a one-way street
 ...we might have overdone the schedule over the last couple months.

...if you ever feel like yes, you CAN handle this crazy schedule and look! you've even gotten nicely dressed for your guests, Murphy will make sure this happens at the exact moment your guests are climbing the stairs:

...we desperately need to get Mr. OCD some warm weather to play in so I can accidentally bump the table without causing a minor family crisis.

.....Ellie might have resigned herself to chairs. might be a few years before taking family pictures isn't a circus act of people jumping behind the photographer clapping and playing peek-a-boo to get smiles (and usually failing).

...little boy fingernails seem to grow with dirt already under them, since it's been too cold to play without mittens so WHERE DOES IT COME FROM?? months like these, it should be a crime to do anything but snuggle up under blankets with a cup of hot chocolate.

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