As I write, the child is eating...raw onions. He's an odd one. Maybe I need to stop trying to get him to eat beef and chicken and need to start giving him things like liver and headcheese. He seems to prefer really strong, almost obnoxious flavors.
Really, this whole kinda-sorta-vegan is a lot more fun that I thought it would. It's been amazing enough that I think we'll stick with the low dairy diet even when/if he outgrows his allergy. If we do eat dairy, it will probably be yogurt. I always blamed produce for being too expensive, but actually without dairy products eating up our budget we have produce coming out of our ears.
But note: don't just cut dairy cold turkey. Either cut back slowly or go through a full detox diet. We all got pretty sick.
What I don't think is a great trend is the compulsive need to post every single little outfit/meal/DIY project on Facebook/Pinterest/Instagram. It makes me wonder: do we actually value creativity, artistry, or frugality? Or do we just want the praise for doing the trendy thing?
I understand it for small businesses and blogs dedicated to a particular thing, but we seem to have an inordinate need that our work be applauded.
My pastor posted an article (sorry, I can't find it) the other day. I really appreciate that he passes on really great thoughts each week. This particular article was written to parents; essentially it says that we are the guardians of our child's cyberpresence. The pictures and statuses we post may not go away. So don't post anything that you wouldn't post if your 13-year-old child was standing over your shoulder. That was a little convicting.
Avocado. Oh my goodness. I made chocolate avocado pudding the other day, and it was AMAZING. One drawback: it looked horrible. I wouldn't ever serve it to a guest because of the look. The recipe I used didn't include almond milk, though, so maybe it would be creamier and smoother with the milk. So what do you think: would you try something like this?