Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Hello, Grandparents!

As you probably know, it's my five-month birthday (how could you ever forget???).  It's been quite an eventful month for me.  I think you'll find in my letter that I'm practically grown-up by now, because I'm doing awfully grown-up things.  I think I must have hit a growth spurt as well, because Mommy and Daddy are constantly saying things like, "Oh my goodness, remember how TINY he was?"
And in my five month picture, the bib fit me better than it fit Kekoa teddy, who has very narrow shoulders.  I thought that was very nice, especially since it has lovely fringe around the bottom that I love to eat.

My musical education has started early, and I spend some time each day faithfully practicing my piano.  I did petition Mommy for a REAL piano that doesn't require quite so much tummy time, but she reminded me of three things: (1) Beethoven sawed the legs off HIS piano, so I'm right up there with the greats; (2)  I couldn't reach the pedals anyway; and (3) most people with real pianos have only lame black-and-white keys instead of my incredibly awesome multi-colored ones. 
That made me sad. Those poor dears with black-and-white keys.  I don't know how they stand such poor technology.
Another big boy thing I've done this month is eat real food.  I don't like avocado, I'm okay with pears, and all in all I much prefer the spoon (or my fingers!) to any actual food.  Also, I discovered that my high chair is best used for my piano while Mommy and Daddy are eating.  Voila, perfect solution to the excessive tummy time problem!
Mommy says we're taking a break from real food until December.  But I take that to mean baby food; grown-up food is still fair game.  The other day I managed to get my hands (and mouth) on a piece of chocolate Mommy was eating.  It tasted much better than the avocado. 

I've gotten pretty good at sitting up when I want to (if I don't want to, then I just flop right on over), so now I'm into jumping.  I LOVE jumping, spinning, twirling...and monkeys.  I really love monkeys.


Like Daddy, I'm an avid gamer.  Like Mommy, I really prefer cooperative games to competitive games.  And my uncanny ability to invent games is quite remarkable.

My current favorite is quite simple, really: I hold my hand up to Mommy's mouth, she kisses it, and then we both laugh.  I'm telling you guys, it's a RIOT.  I'm thinking of marketing my creative skills to Hasbro. 

Well, that's all for now!  Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and I'm already plotting how to get my hands on some of that sugared-up sweet potato casserole, or maybe some pumpkin pie.  With so many cousins to distract the adults, I'm thinking we can pull off quite the raid. 

Happy Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Kekoa,

    Thank you for the update! I miss you so much!

    Tell mommy she needs to take a picture of the back of your head so I can see if you still have a mullet!

    How was your Thanksgiving heist? Did you get to taste some turkey? Wait until Christmas! That should be a lot of fun for you! Tell mommy you want to help wrap gifts! That should be a lot of fun for both of you!

    I miss you and love you! Make sure you write again!


