Monday, February 6, 2012

Life Update (and a Baby Bump-ish Picture!)

Sometimes it seems like our lives are changing so quickly in so many ways that I forget who I've told what.  So a quick summary of all the happenings in all of our lives...

Josh: got his clearance in January, started working full-time, and is now crazy busy.  Last semester he had the luxury of working part-time, so he could leave early in the afternoon to get to class and not have to make up the time.  Now he leaves home earlier in the mornings to make up the missed time.  Still, he's amazingly pleasant and patient with me, considering the many demands on his time and the late nights and early mornings.  He's a trooper.  :)

I went from full-time to part-time a couple weeks ago, and it's been wonderful.  Last semester we were scrounging peanut butter and jelly sandwiches by the middle of the week, because both of us were out late on Josh's class nights and didn't get a chance to cook.  Being home a few days allows me to clean the house, menu plan, pay bills, and make dinner/pack lunches before Josh gets home, so his time at home is free for sleeping or studying or spending time with me.  :)  Plus, fewer late nights for me.  Additionally, I gave up the part of my job I like less (administrative and mailings), and kept the part I like more (financial and data management).  Win win win!

I'm also apparently lucky enough to be one of those women for whom morning sickness continues throughout the pregnancy, but it is much less frequent and I'm able to eat a greater variety of foods now.  Since it's worse when I'm tired, the part-time work schedule has really helped, and I no longer make myself motion sick just by walking out to the mailbox.  Woohoo!   Rich, sugary foods and onions still set me off, but when I told my midwife that, she simply nodded and said "oh, that's great."  Thanks for the sympathy.  :-P

Baby Kekoa: is a boy!  I'm still bummed that I can't put all pink stuff on my baby registry (well...I could, but I don't think either of my two Josh's would appreciate that very much), but we are both excited to meet him, and I know his pack of uncles will train him well in sports.  We're calling him Kekoa (first part of his Hawaiian middle name) to distinguish him from Daddy.

The ultrasound revealed that Kekoa's measuring a bit ahead of average (crossing my fingers for an early birth here.....), and I started feeling him kick around 17 weeks. Josh felt him kick for the first time at 18 weeks, and just last week I started seeing his movements from the outside, which was completely weird.  Suddenly all these milestones started hitting that made everything a bit more real.  This is week 20 for me, so halfway to meeting him!

20 Weeks!
^ That is the highly elusive and extremely finicky beginnings of a baby bump, of which I am very proud.  I'm still in the annoying people-can't-tell-if-I'm-fat-or-pregnant-so-they-stare-awkwardly-at-my-abdomen stage, but at least we're getting somewhere. a family, we've started the hunt for a place to live come August when our lease expires.  We would love to stay here, but we want more time for Josh to sleep and to be with our little family.  So we're looking for an affordable place closer to his work, preferably where we could stay until he finishes school.

So that's us in a nutshell right now!  Now everyone (at least everyone who even knows I have a blog) is on the same page, and caught up with the various and sundry changes in our lives.  Many more to come!

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