Saturday, May 14, 2011

Lesson of the Week

Never ever take a financial position one month before the end of the fiscal year, esp. if you are a non-profit organization. Because the annual audit WILL happen the week after your brother-in-law graduates and you lose your student interns and your husband's family comes into town, and which coincidentally is the week before you leave for vacation and really don't want to be in a stressful situation.   And because you didn't actually work there for most of the year, you will be asked all kinds of questions that you don't know the answer to ("so did this funding come through this source? And when you said x donation went through y campaign, what made you say that?"   Me: Ummmm....sure, I think so.  And I didn't say that.  Because I wasn't actually working here.")


And because I am in a highly busy part of the year and working with some very stressed coworkers (seriously. At our meeting today I could feel the stress in the room absorbing into my bloodstream), I am very very grateful for my running goal.

Because I am keeping it!  And it feels good.  :)

I might not actually meet the running goal in miles and minutes for the month.  My allergies seriously impair my running ability, because they seriously impair my breathing ability, and that's just a little important to a runner.

But that's okay, because it's gotten me exercising every day, whether it's running or walking to the grocery store or playing frisbee with the neighbor kid.  And since I feel good and have a chance to let off some steam, getting to work and finding things like a leaky refrigerator that desperately needs to be defrosted doesn't really bother me.

So the moral of the story is: audits are stressful.  But running is fun and mind-clearing and good.  :)

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