Monday, August 10, 2015

1 + 3 = crazy

We managed to pack a lot of life in the last couple months. Kekoa turned 3, Ellie turned 1, I turned an unspoken number (but let's just say my frontal lobe is beyond fully matured and is now into the degeneration side of things...), we packed, we painted, we moved, we unpacked, we survived. We had visits from three of the four grandparents (we miss you, Papa!).

In any case. It's been stressful and glorious and exhausting. We've been sore and bewildered and exhilarated. And darn it, now I don't have an excuse to keep putting off those dentist visits.

But for the highlights. Kekoa's birthday was a small affair, being only four days before we were to close on our new home and on the tail end of a stomach bug. But Kekoa's reactions to gifts are immensely gratifying. He's usually so thrilled to have a present that he's practically fawning all over your feet before he even opens it. But then once he does open it: "WHOA, check it out! CHECK IT OUT! I LOVE [insert gift here]!"

He was quite pleased this particular birthday because he made a killing in trucks. He also recently graduated to solo teeth brushing, and finds me at all hours of the day asking if he can brush. The doctor was quite pleased with him because he rocketed from the 0.17 growth percentile into the 2nd percentile this year. That's our big bruiser for you!

Why yes, these pjs HAVE fit him 3 summers in a row.

Ellie didn't even get a cake for her birthday. "What? No smash cake?" My mom asked. But with this girl, *every* day is a mess worthy of a smash cake.

Daddy had mercy and baked some banana bread

Only Ellie can pork down a whole avocado, fifteen grape tomatoes, and half a chicken thigh, then cry when we run out food as if she hasn't eaten in weeks; Everyone talks about the teenage boys, but honestly, I'm not sure we're going to survive our toddler girl.

She really is a delightful little human, though a bit dramatic. Not given her way, she will flop facedown on the floor and sob helplessly as if the world is coming to an end. She's an expert beggar and has been known to swindle whole bananas from soft-hearted Nanas.

Somehow I ended up with a girly girl, because she coos in delight when she sees her pretty dresses and hairbows and gasps excitedly when we pass dolls in the store. She loves anything soft and cuddly, and brother obliges by throwing an entire zoo of stuffed animals into her bed every night.
Ellie scored PURPLE dresses for her birthday.

"Da-da" is her favorite person/word, but she's also figured out that "I la la" ("I love you") is an excellent method of attention-getting - which happens to be an art she excels in, snuggling comfortably into your shoulder before you put her down for an unwanted nap.

After being a lifelong vehement proponent of the toilet paper going over, I've converted to an under (temporarily, I'm sure!) because she loves to unroll it, and when it's over it unrolls straight into the toilet (yes, I know - keep the bathroom door closed. uh-huh. you tell the 3-year-old that).

She and "buh-der" continue to delight me with their friendship, strewn with fights and make-up kisses. They both love to wrestle (usually Ellie's instigation), and looking at a picture of Ellie the other day Kekoa proclaimed, "Oh, sooo beautiful!" He takes good care of his "sweet baby," and she in turns humors him by giggling wildly when he gives her zerbets.  The other day Kekoa was eating a snack when Ellie woke up from her nap, and she went straight for the mooching. "Great job saying 'more,' Ellie. You asked so nicely. Yes, you may have a blueberry!"

Kekoa: "Josiah lives in Hi-de-ho!" [Idaho]
Me: "Yes, and where do Mimi and Pops live?"
Kekoa: "Caluhfornee-uh!"
Me: "What about Nana and Papa?"
Kekoa: "Ha'aye'e!"
Me: "And where does Uncle Steve live?"
Kekoa: "Uncle Steve lives in the army!"

Kekoa: "What time is it?"
Me: "I don't know, what does the clock say?"
Kekoa: "The clock says tick-tock!"

Me: "Can you tell Nana what to do if you get lost?"
Kekoa: "But I don't want to tell Nana to get lost!"

Me: "Do you want to hold my hand?"
Kekoa: "No thank you. I'm too big now."   :( :( :(