It's early to make blanket statements, but so far, Ellie's infancy has been basically the opposite of Kekoa's infancy. Observe:
2-week-old Kekoa: "I woke up and there's no one holding the baby. ALERT ALERT ALERT! Child neglect! Call the fire department!"
2-week-old Ellie: "Oh hey, I just woke up in my bed. Oooh, pretty window. Hey, maybe I should cough to let Mom know I'm awake. Or not."
The first responder to Ellie's cries. That might possibly be the reason she cries so little. |
2-week-old Kekoa: "Hmm, it's dark in here and I don't hear any noises. The parentals seem to be passed out on the bed. ALERT ALERT ALERT! Are you guys alive? EVERYBODY PANIC! The baby's going to starve to death in a wasteland of corpses!"
2-week-old Ellie: "Hmm, it's dark in here and I don't hear any noises. That must mean I should go back to sleep for a few more hours."
"Will six hours be enough, Mom? Or should I go for seven?" |
2-week-old Kekoa: "I'M HUNGRY. FEED ME FEED ME FEED ME."
2-week-old Ellie: "Hey Mom, I'm a little hungry. I might cry if you don't feed me in the next fifteen minutes. Oh what's that? You're unloading the dishwasher? That's cool, go ahead and finish. I might just go back to sleep anyway."
Just me, chilling until someone can get to me |
2-week-old Kekoa: "I'm little. Feed me every two hours. What does the clock say? Two hours is coming up! Isn't it time yet? How about now? No? How about now? No? How about every hour instead?"
2-week-old Ellie: "I'm little, so I must need sleep to grow. Don't worry, Mom, I'll eat well when I wake up, but I've still got another hour in me."
Next to a 6-9 month onesie - hard to imagine this fitting her five months from now! |
2-week-old Kekoa: "I want to nurse. I want to nurse in this position, all the time. Do. not. move. Do not scratch your nose. Do not adjust your arm. Do not sneeze. If you move from this position I cannot nurse and I will starve. And there will be pain."
2-week-old Ellie: "Whatevs, Mom. Just so long as there's milk."
To be fair, Kekoa had undiagnosed food allergies that caused acid reflux, so it wasn't all personality. The poor little guy was in pain most of the time. But oh boy am I glad we had him first. If Ellie had been born first, we would have been absolutely blindsided by Kekoa. Even if this is a just a prolonged sleepy newborn stage, it has been amazing to get a chance to recover.